Discover the incredible impact of drones on modern agriculture! Our latest blog explores how these high-tech flying machines are revolutionizing farming practices with precision and sustainability. Join us at Spinner Ag as we soar into the future of agriculture. Learn More +
Unearth the unwavering power of clethodim, providing a resilient alternative to combat grass weeds resistant to conventional herbicides. Dive deeper into its increasing market relevance, multifaceted applications, and future potential in our comprehensive blog post. Explore the promising innovations shaping the future landscape of weed control. Learn More +
Wholesale agrichemical suppliers play a critical role in modern agriculture and are helping shape affordable agriculture practices. Check out our latest blog to learn how strategic partnerships, guided by specialists like Spinner Ag, foster sustainable profitability and shape cost-effective farming methodologies. #spinnerag #farm365 #agriculturalchemicals Learn More +
Achieving the perfect balance between competitive pricing and healthy profit margins requires intentional planning and an understanding of the agrichemicals market as a whole. Check out our latest blog to learn more. #SpinnerAg #Agrichem #IndustryInsights Learn More +
Ready for the lucrative opportunities in the agrochemical industry? 19 active ingredients are coming off patent by 2028, opening up new avenues for growth. Discover how these expiring patents will reshape the future of generic crop protection in our latest blog post. #SpinnerAg #Agrochemicals #industryfuture Learn More +
Dive into our latest blog post exploring the vast world of farm chemicals and their cost-effective alternatives. Uncover insights into herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, and how knowledge of generics can transform your farming strategy. Don’t miss out on this comprehensive guide! #FarmChemicals #Herbicides #Pesticides #Fungicides #GenericAgrichemicals #SpinnerAG Learn More +
Navigate the complex dynamics of the agrichemical industry with our latest blog post, ‘Generic Vs. Brand Name: Breaking Down The Perceptions and Realities of Agrichemicals.’ Dive deep into the truths behind the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of branded and generic products alike. Stay informed, make better decisions. #spinnerag #farmchemicals #agrisolutions Learn More +
Effective weed management begins with identifying and understanding the weeds on your farm. Make it your new year’s resolution to learn more about which weeds you are fighting against. Give your crops a competitive edge against tough weeds. Learn more about the 11 resistant weeds that threaten your farm the most:
The EPA has approved ILeVO made by Bayer CropScience. ILeVO for soybeans is the only seed treatment that protects the root system against infections caused by sudden death syndrome fungus. For more details about ILeVO, click the link below.
Monsanto’s new Rowel and Rowel FX herbicides for 2015 are pre-emergence residual herbicides for managing hard to control weeds such as ragweed, marestail, kochia, Palmer amaranth and waterhemp. For more details on these herbicides, click the link below.