Bayer CropScience Plans 2015 Release of New Corn Herbicide DiFlexx
Posted by Stacey Culley :: October 22, 2014

The new corn herbicide, DiFlexx, by Bayer CropScience is a unique blend of Dicamba and CSI Safener technology which enables corn plants to better withstand herbicidal activity for excellent crop safety.  DiFlexx will offer growers flexibility for a broad range of application while also fitting a variety of soil and weather conditions. Bayer CropScience plans to release the new herbicide in 2015. For more information, click the link below.

Enlist Duo herbicide registered by EPA
Posted by Stacey Culley :: October 16, 2014

Enlist Duo herbicide by Dow AgroSciences is now approved by the EPA. Enlist Duo is a proprietary blend of new 2,4-D choline and glyphosate. The new herbicide helps control and prevent further development of herbicide-resistant weeds. For more details, click the link below.

Fierce XLT Soybean Herbicide is now federally registered
Posted by Stacey Culley :: October 9, 2014

Valent U.S.A. Corporation announced that Fierce XLT Soybean Herbicide is now federally registered for pre-emergence weed control in soybeans in the United States. The new product is anticipated to be available for the 2015 growing season. Growers will have a new solution for controlling ragweed and annual grasses. For more information click the link below.

Certain weeds host soybean cyst nematode just as well as soybeans do
Posted by Stacey Culley :: October 2, 2014

Research at Purdue University has shown that two weeds in Indiana are a good host for soybean cyst nematodes. They are the purple deadnettle and henbit which both tend to be abundant in fall and spring. To prevent these weeds, contact Spinner Ag to put control measures in place especially if the fall is very warm and weeds begin germinating in September/October. For more information click the link below.

USDA approves Dow AgroSciences’ Enlist corn and soybean traits
Posted by Stacey Culley :: September 25, 2014

After a rigorous review by the USDA, the Enlist biotech corn and soybean traits were approved. The Enlist traits are part of the Enlist Weed Control System, a new trait and herbicide technology that will control herbicide-resistant and tough weeds. Dow AgroSciences now awaits EPA registration of the Enlist Duo herbicide which is the companion herbicide to the Enlist traits. The approval of Enlist Duo is expected in the near future. For more information, click the link below.

Public comments now accepted on Dicamba-tolerant weed technology
Posted by Stacey Culley :: September 22, 2014

Farmers, dealers, and stakeholders are encouraged to make their comments known to USDA about the draft Environmental Impact Statement for Monsanto’s next generation Dicamba-tolerant weed management technologies. The USDA has a public comment period open until September 25th. For more details, click the link below.–275330771.html

New Afforia herbicide by DuPont offers a head start on weed control
Posted by Stacey Culley :: September 12, 2014

Afforia is a preplant herbicide for soybeans and other crops that provides burndown and residual control of many challenging weeds.  Using Afforia allows growers to get a head start on spring weed contol. It has three active ingredients for consistent control of weeds and managing herbicide resistance.  For more information click the link below.